Happy Valley Elementary School Parent Club
Articles of Incorporaton
Articles of Incorporaton
Article I: Name
The organization governed by this constitution shall be named Happy Valley Elementary School Parent Club, sometimes referred to herein as the “Happy Valley PC” or “PC”. Happy Valley Elementary School may sometimes be referred to as “H.V.S.” or as “Happy Valley”.
Article II: Objectives
The objectives of the Happy Valley School Parent Club are:
This PC is organized exclusively for the charitable, scientific, literary or educational purposes within the meaning of Section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code or corresponding section of any further federal tax code (hereinafter Internal Revenue Code).
Article III: Policies
The basic policies of the Happy Valley Elementary School Parent Club are that:
Article IV: Fiscal Year
This organization shall be run from July 1 to June 30.
Article V: Membership
Members shall be determined as stated in the By-Laws.
Article VI: Officers and their Terms of Office
Section 1
The elected officers of this organization shall be President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Any office may be co-chaired.
Section 2
Officers shall assume their official duties at the close of the last regular meeting of the school year and shall serve for the term of one (1) year or until their successors are elected.
Article VII: Committees
Section 1
The standing Committees shall include: Volunteer coordinator, Publicist, Hospitality Person, Computer Liaison, and Room Parents. Any committee may be co-chaired.
Section 2
The PC Board, as deemed necessary to promote the objectives of the organization and to carry on its work, may create additional committees.
Section 3
No committee work shall be undertaken on behalf of the PC without the consent of the PC Board.
Article VIII: PC Board
Section 1
The membership of the Parent Club Board shall consist of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, past President, one (1) faculty representative, selected by the faculty, and one (1) chairperson from each Standing Committee. The Executive Board may appoint additional positions as needed.
Section 2
No officer shall hold the same office for more than (2) two consecutive years, unless approved by a 2/3 vote of the Board. Candidates for presidency should have prior experience on the Board. In the event no member of the Board wishes to run for President, committee chairs will be considered for the position. Two members residing in the same household may not simultaneously serve on the Board unless expressly approved by a 2/3 vote of the Board.
Section 3
The duties of the Board shall be to carry out the expressed policies and desires of the membership of the organization and to make recommendations to the membership for needed actions or policy changes that may be required.
Section 4
By two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Board, an officer may be removed from office for failure to perform duties. An officer who misses three consecutive meetings, with unexcused absences, shall be removed from office. Excused absences include but are not limited to Death in Family, Illness, Church Activity, etc.)
Section 5
The Board shall have authority to execute business as outlined by these Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws.
Article IX: Meetings
The board shall transact official business of the organization at Board meetings and at General Meetings as set.
Article X: Amendments
Section 1
Amendments to these Articles of Incorporation shall be approved by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the membership present at a general meeting.
Section 2
By-Laws not in conflict with the Articles of Incorporation or its amendments may be adopted by a 2/3 vote of the members present at a general meeting.
Section 3
By-Laws may be rescinded by a 2/3 vote of the members present at a general meeting.
Section 4
A committee may be appointed to submit a revised set of by-laws as a substitute for the existing by-laws by a 2/3 vote of the members present at a meeting of this PC or by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Board.
Section 5
At the beginning of each school year, the Board shall review these by-laws. Every three years, it shall present the by-laws to the general membership and reaffirm by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present.
The organization governed by this constitution shall be named Happy Valley Elementary School Parent Club, sometimes referred to herein as the “Happy Valley PC” or “PC”. Happy Valley Elementary School may sometimes be referred to as “H.V.S.” or as “Happy Valley”.
Article II: Objectives
The objectives of the Happy Valley School Parent Club are:
- To promote open communication and positive school/community relationships that enhance our children’s educational environment.
- To establish and maintain a working relationship between parents, school and community.
- To support school improvement teams and promote the finest education possible for the students at H.V.S.
- To enhance the quality of education by raising funds for school supplies or programs which fall outside the school budget.
- To expand technology and supplement equipment and supplies.
This PC is organized exclusively for the charitable, scientific, literary or educational purposes within the meaning of Section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code or corresponding section of any further federal tax code (hereinafter Internal Revenue Code).
Article III: Policies
The basic policies of the Happy Valley Elementary School Parent Club are that:
- 1. The PC shall be noncommercial, nonsectarian, and non-partisan.
- The name of this PC or the names of any members in their official capacities shall not be used to endorse or promote a commercial concern or in connection with any partisan interest or for any purposes not appropriately related to promotion of the objects of this PC.
- This PC shall not directly or indirectly participate or intervene (in any way, including the publishing or distributing of statements) in any political campaign on behalf of, or in opposition to, any candidate for public office.
- This PC may cooperate with other organizations and agencies concerned with child welfare, but persons representing this PC in such matters shall make no commitments that bind the organization.
- No part of the net earnings of the organization shall insure to the benefit of, or be distributed to its members, directors, trustees, officers or other private persons except that the organization shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set for an Article II hereof.
- Notwithstanding any other provision of these articles, the organization shall not carry on any other activities not permitted of a non-profit organization.
- Upon dissolution of this organization, after paying or adequately providing for the debts and obligations of this PTO, the remaining assets shall be distributed to Happy Valley Elementary School. If Happy Valley Elementary School ceases to exist, remaining PTO assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government, or to a state or local government, for a public purpose.
- This PC shall not be liable for any non-budgeted monetary expenditure of $100 or more without submission of such expenditures to the PC Board for approval. The PC shall not be liable for any non-budgeted monetary expenditures of less than $100 without prior approval of the PC President.
Article IV: Fiscal Year
This organization shall be run from July 1 to June 30.
Article V: Membership
Members shall be determined as stated in the By-Laws.
Article VI: Officers and their Terms of Office
Section 1
The elected officers of this organization shall be President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Any office may be co-chaired.
Section 2
Officers shall assume their official duties at the close of the last regular meeting of the school year and shall serve for the term of one (1) year or until their successors are elected.
Article VII: Committees
Section 1
The standing Committees shall include: Volunteer coordinator, Publicist, Hospitality Person, Computer Liaison, and Room Parents. Any committee may be co-chaired.
Section 2
The PC Board, as deemed necessary to promote the objectives of the organization and to carry on its work, may create additional committees.
Section 3
No committee work shall be undertaken on behalf of the PC without the consent of the PC Board.
Article VIII: PC Board
Section 1
The membership of the Parent Club Board shall consist of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, past President, one (1) faculty representative, selected by the faculty, and one (1) chairperson from each Standing Committee. The Executive Board may appoint additional positions as needed.
Section 2
No officer shall hold the same office for more than (2) two consecutive years, unless approved by a 2/3 vote of the Board. Candidates for presidency should have prior experience on the Board. In the event no member of the Board wishes to run for President, committee chairs will be considered for the position. Two members residing in the same household may not simultaneously serve on the Board unless expressly approved by a 2/3 vote of the Board.
Section 3
The duties of the Board shall be to carry out the expressed policies and desires of the membership of the organization and to make recommendations to the membership for needed actions or policy changes that may be required.
Section 4
By two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Board, an officer may be removed from office for failure to perform duties. An officer who misses three consecutive meetings, with unexcused absences, shall be removed from office. Excused absences include but are not limited to Death in Family, Illness, Church Activity, etc.)
Section 5
The Board shall have authority to execute business as outlined by these Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws.
Article IX: Meetings
The board shall transact official business of the organization at Board meetings and at General Meetings as set.
Article X: Amendments
Section 1
Amendments to these Articles of Incorporation shall be approved by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the membership present at a general meeting.
Section 2
By-Laws not in conflict with the Articles of Incorporation or its amendments may be adopted by a 2/3 vote of the members present at a general meeting.
Section 3
By-Laws may be rescinded by a 2/3 vote of the members present at a general meeting.
Section 4
A committee may be appointed to submit a revised set of by-laws as a substitute for the existing by-laws by a 2/3 vote of the members present at a meeting of this PC or by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Board.
Section 5
At the beginning of each school year, the Board shall review these by-laws. Every three years, it shall present the by-laws to the general membership and reaffirm by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present.
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Adopted June 1, 2001
by the Happy Valley Elementary School Parent Club Board
Happy Valley Elementary School District – California
Adopted June 1, 2001
by the Happy Valley Elementary School Parent Club Board
Happy Valley Elementary School District – California
By-Laws of the
Happy Valley Elementary School Parent Club
Happy Valley Elementary School Parent Club
The name of the organization shall be the Happy Valley Elementary School Parent Club.
The relationships within the Happy Valley Community, which includes students, teachers, staff, parents, and patrons, are vital influences for the success of our children’s futures. Therefore, our purpose is to foster a sense of support, pride, and enthusiasm. Through fund-raising and family activities, we will promote open communication and positive school/community relationships that enhance our children’s educational environment.
The policies shall be developed through meetings, conferences, and committees and shall not direct or control the administrative activities of Happy Valley Elementary School.
Members shall be parents or guardians of students, patrons, teachers, and community members who take an interest in Happy Valley Elementary School.
A. Regular Meetings
General Membership meetings of the organization shall be held at least four (4) times each school year. The time and place of the meetings shall be announced at least seven (7) days prior to the meeting.
B.Special Meetings
Additional meetings of the organization may be called, by vote of the Parent Club Board. The time and place of all Special Meetings shall be announced at least seven (7) days prior to the meeting.
In order for action to be taken on behalf of the organization, a quorum of the officers plus seven general members must be present at any General Membership or Special Meeting.
A two-thirds vote of the Members present at any meeting shall be required for all action brought to the General Membership by the Parent Club Board. Each member present shall have one (1) vote.
A.Parent Club Board Membership
The membership of the Parent Club Board shall consist of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, past President, one (1) faculty representative, selected by the faculty, and one (1) chairperson from each Standing Committee.
B.General Powers
The Parent Club Board shall manage the affairs, activities and operations of the organization. It shall transact necessary business during the intervals between the meetings of the General Membership and any other business referred to by the General Membership or these By-laws. The Parent Club Board may create Standing and Special Committees, approve the plans and work of Standing and Special Committees, present reports and recommendations at the meetings of the General Membership, prepare and submit a budget to the General Membership for approval, and, in General, conduct the business and activities of the organization.
Regular meetings of the Parent Club Board shall be held during the school year, the time to be established at the first meeting of the year. Special Meetings may be called by the President or by a majority of the Parent Club Board. Adequate notice of all meetings shall be given to all members of the Parent Club Board and, in the absence of an emergency, at least seven (7) days in advance. When possible, notice of the meetings should be announced to all General Members of the organization. Any Member may attend a meeting of the Parent Club Board and provide input, but shall not be entitled to vote on matters before the body.
Each member of the Parent Club Board shall have one (1) vote.
The Officers of the organization shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Two persons may be nominated and elected to fill any single position. In this instance, both of the persons shall be given all of the rights and responsibilities of the office. The Parent Club Board has the authority to reassign specific job duties as required. To be eligible to serve as an Officer, a person must have been an active Member of the organization for at least one year, or approved by the Parent Club Board.
1.The president shall be a member of the Parent Club Board.
2.Preside at all meetings of the organization and of the Parent Club Board.
3.Member ex-officio of all committees.
4.Coordinate the work of the officers and committees of the organization in order that the objectives may be accomplished.
5.Serve as an authorized signatory of all Parent Club checks. Entering president must be added and exiting president removed within 2 weeks of taking or leaving office.
6.Perform such other duties as assigned by the organization.
C.Vice President
1.Attend all General Membership meetings and Parent Club Board meetings.
2.In the event the President is unable to attend meetings, the Vice President will preside.
3.Should the President be unable to complete his/her term, the Vice President will assume the office of President.
4.In the absence of the President, the Vice President shall perform the duties of the President.
5.Should a vacancy occur in the office of Vice President for any reason, the vacancy shall be filled by election at the next regular meeting of the General Membership.
6.The Vice President shall perform such other duties as are assigned by the President or the Parent Club Board.
1.Attend all General Membership meetings and Parent Club Board meetings.
2.Record the official minutes.
3.Distribute a summary of the minutes.
4.In the event the President and Vice-President are unable to attend a meeting, the Secretary will preside.
5.Update and distribute the yearly Parent Club Information Packet.
1.Attend all General Membership meetings and Parent Club Board meetings.
2.Serve as an authorized signatory on all Parent Club accounts. Entering treasurer must be added and exiting treasurer removed within 2 weeks of taking or leaving office.
3.The Treasurer shall be responsible for all funds of the organization and shall receive and give receipts for monies due and payable to the organization from all sources and shall deposit such funds in such banks or other organizations as are selected by the Parent Club Board.
4.Maintain accounts and present current profit & loss and reconciliation reports at each Parent Club meeting. If the treasurer cannot attend the meeting, these reports should be emailed to the board prior to the scheduled meeting.
5.The Treasurer shall make disbursements as authorized by the President, Parent Club Board, or General Membership in accordance with the budget adopted by the General Membership.
6.At the end of the school year, the Treasurer shall prepare and present a written, annual financial report to the incoming Parent Club Board.
7.The treasurer shall purchase and maintain annual fidelity bonding in the amount of $50,000 and general liability insurance in the amount of $1,000,000.
8.The treasurer shall abide by and enforce the monetary policy as outlined in section XI.C. of this document.
1.The Publicist shall be a member of the Parent Club Board.
2.The Publicist shall be responsible for the publicity for all events of the organization and shall act as a liaison between the Parent Club and the media.
3.The Publicist shall keep the official history of the organization and shall keep an annual record of all the activities of the organization.
B.Hospitality Person
1.The Hospitality Person shall be a member of the Parent Club Board.
2.Arrange snacks and beverages for Service Events, Parent Club Meetings, and Teacher Appreciation Luncheons.
C.Computer Liaison
1.The Computer Liaison shall be a member of the Parent Club Board.
2.Keep the Web Page current.
D.Volunteer Coordinator
1.The Volunteer Coordinator shall be a member of the Parent Club Board.
2.Assist the Event & Fundraiser Chairpersons in coordinating volunteers.
E.Room Parents
1.One (1) Room Parent shall be designated for each classroom.
2.One (1) Room Parent, selected by the Room Parents, shall be a member of the Parent Club Board.
3.Act as liaison between the Parent Club and the Teachers.
4.Act as liaison between the Parent Club and the Families.
5.Act as liaison between the Teachers and Families.
6.Assist teachers with classroom activities.
1.The election of officers shall take place during the last General Membership Meeting each year.
2.All Members of the organization may participate in the election.
3.The Parent Club Board shall present a slate of officers for election. The Parent Club Board shall contact all persons slated for nomination to confirm their willingness to serve.
4.Further nominations may be received from the floor.
5.The election, if non-contested, may be by voice vote. Any contested election shall be by written ballot. The ballots will be counted by two, non-running, Parent Club Board Members selected by the President.
6.A two-thirds vote of the members present is required.
7.A person approved by the Parent Blub Board may fill vacancies on the Parent Club Board during the school year.
B.Term of Office
An officer’s term is one school year without a restriction on the number of terms.
A majority of Parent Blub Board Members must be present at a meeting to transact business.
A.Other Standing Committees
The Parent Club Board may establish other Standing Committees, as it deems necessary and advisable. The chairperson of each committee shall recruit the members for his or her committee. The chairperson shall report the plans and activities of the committee to the Parent Club Board, which must approve all such reports.
B.Special Committees
The President and/or the Parent Club Board may create Special Committees. Special Committees shall be created for a specific time and/or task and shall cease to exist when that time or task has been completed, or on June 14 of each year, whichever occurs first. The Chairperson shall report the plans and activities of the committee to the Parent Club Board, which must approve all such reports.
The Parent Club Board may authorize any officer or officers to enter into contracts or agreements for the purchase of materials or services on behalf of the organization. The officers shall not have the authority to enter into such agreements on behalf of Happy Valley Elementary School, nor should they hold themselves out as having such authority.
No loans shall be made by the organization to its officers or members.
C.Monetary Policy
1.All financial transactions must be pre-approved by the Parent Club Board. Financial obligations shall not be made without sufficient funds to cover commitments.
2.Dual unrelated signatures required on all outgoing checks. No pre-signing of blank checks.
3.Monthly bank reconciliation will be performed by a volunteer, other than the treasurer, who is not a signer on any of the bank accounts. Reconciliation discrepancies will be reported to the board in a timely fashion.
4.All cash generated by the Parent Club will be first counted by a willing volunteer, who will sign a receipt of the amount collected, then forward to the treasurer to re-count and deposit.
5.ATM, Visa and Billpay are not authorized on Parent Club accounts.
Changes to the By-Laws shall be proposed and discussed at any Regular or Special Meeting. Action may be taken on proposed changes to the By-Laws at a following Regular or Special Meeting.
If any part of these By-Laws shall conflict with the decisions, policies or procedures adopted by the Happy Valley Elementary School Board, they shall be deemed null and void and the decision of the Happy Valley School Board shall, in all cases, control.
These By-Laws were adopted by the HVS PC General Membership by a two-thirds vote during a meeting, properly called, on May 18, 2001 and shall take effect immediately. Revisions were accepted by a two-thirds vote during a general membership meeting called on March 11, 2010.
The name of the organization shall be the Happy Valley Elementary School Parent Club.
The relationships within the Happy Valley Community, which includes students, teachers, staff, parents, and patrons, are vital influences for the success of our children’s futures. Therefore, our purpose is to foster a sense of support, pride, and enthusiasm. Through fund-raising and family activities, we will promote open communication and positive school/community relationships that enhance our children’s educational environment.
The policies shall be developed through meetings, conferences, and committees and shall not direct or control the administrative activities of Happy Valley Elementary School.
Members shall be parents or guardians of students, patrons, teachers, and community members who take an interest in Happy Valley Elementary School.
A. Regular Meetings
General Membership meetings of the organization shall be held at least four (4) times each school year. The time and place of the meetings shall be announced at least seven (7) days prior to the meeting.
B.Special Meetings
Additional meetings of the organization may be called, by vote of the Parent Club Board. The time and place of all Special Meetings shall be announced at least seven (7) days prior to the meeting.
In order for action to be taken on behalf of the organization, a quorum of the officers plus seven general members must be present at any General Membership or Special Meeting.
A two-thirds vote of the Members present at any meeting shall be required for all action brought to the General Membership by the Parent Club Board. Each member present shall have one (1) vote.
A.Parent Club Board Membership
The membership of the Parent Club Board shall consist of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, past President, one (1) faculty representative, selected by the faculty, and one (1) chairperson from each Standing Committee.
B.General Powers
The Parent Club Board shall manage the affairs, activities and operations of the organization. It shall transact necessary business during the intervals between the meetings of the General Membership and any other business referred to by the General Membership or these By-laws. The Parent Club Board may create Standing and Special Committees, approve the plans and work of Standing and Special Committees, present reports and recommendations at the meetings of the General Membership, prepare and submit a budget to the General Membership for approval, and, in General, conduct the business and activities of the organization.
Regular meetings of the Parent Club Board shall be held during the school year, the time to be established at the first meeting of the year. Special Meetings may be called by the President or by a majority of the Parent Club Board. Adequate notice of all meetings shall be given to all members of the Parent Club Board and, in the absence of an emergency, at least seven (7) days in advance. When possible, notice of the meetings should be announced to all General Members of the organization. Any Member may attend a meeting of the Parent Club Board and provide input, but shall not be entitled to vote on matters before the body.
Each member of the Parent Club Board shall have one (1) vote.
The Officers of the organization shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Two persons may be nominated and elected to fill any single position. In this instance, both of the persons shall be given all of the rights and responsibilities of the office. The Parent Club Board has the authority to reassign specific job duties as required. To be eligible to serve as an Officer, a person must have been an active Member of the organization for at least one year, or approved by the Parent Club Board.
1.The president shall be a member of the Parent Club Board.
2.Preside at all meetings of the organization and of the Parent Club Board.
3.Member ex-officio of all committees.
4.Coordinate the work of the officers and committees of the organization in order that the objectives may be accomplished.
5.Serve as an authorized signatory of all Parent Club checks. Entering president must be added and exiting president removed within 2 weeks of taking or leaving office.
6.Perform such other duties as assigned by the organization.
C.Vice President
1.Attend all General Membership meetings and Parent Club Board meetings.
2.In the event the President is unable to attend meetings, the Vice President will preside.
3.Should the President be unable to complete his/her term, the Vice President will assume the office of President.
4.In the absence of the President, the Vice President shall perform the duties of the President.
5.Should a vacancy occur in the office of Vice President for any reason, the vacancy shall be filled by election at the next regular meeting of the General Membership.
6.The Vice President shall perform such other duties as are assigned by the President or the Parent Club Board.
1.Attend all General Membership meetings and Parent Club Board meetings.
2.Record the official minutes.
3.Distribute a summary of the minutes.
4.In the event the President and Vice-President are unable to attend a meeting, the Secretary will preside.
5.Update and distribute the yearly Parent Club Information Packet.
1.Attend all General Membership meetings and Parent Club Board meetings.
2.Serve as an authorized signatory on all Parent Club accounts. Entering treasurer must be added and exiting treasurer removed within 2 weeks of taking or leaving office.
3.The Treasurer shall be responsible for all funds of the organization and shall receive and give receipts for monies due and payable to the organization from all sources and shall deposit such funds in such banks or other organizations as are selected by the Parent Club Board.
4.Maintain accounts and present current profit & loss and reconciliation reports at each Parent Club meeting. If the treasurer cannot attend the meeting, these reports should be emailed to the board prior to the scheduled meeting.
5.The Treasurer shall make disbursements as authorized by the President, Parent Club Board, or General Membership in accordance with the budget adopted by the General Membership.
6.At the end of the school year, the Treasurer shall prepare and present a written, annual financial report to the incoming Parent Club Board.
7.The treasurer shall purchase and maintain annual fidelity bonding in the amount of $50,000 and general liability insurance in the amount of $1,000,000.
8.The treasurer shall abide by and enforce the monetary policy as outlined in section XI.C. of this document.
1.The Publicist shall be a member of the Parent Club Board.
2.The Publicist shall be responsible for the publicity for all events of the organization and shall act as a liaison between the Parent Club and the media.
3.The Publicist shall keep the official history of the organization and shall keep an annual record of all the activities of the organization.
B.Hospitality Person
1.The Hospitality Person shall be a member of the Parent Club Board.
2.Arrange snacks and beverages for Service Events, Parent Club Meetings, and Teacher Appreciation Luncheons.
C.Computer Liaison
1.The Computer Liaison shall be a member of the Parent Club Board.
2.Keep the Web Page current.
D.Volunteer Coordinator
1.The Volunteer Coordinator shall be a member of the Parent Club Board.
2.Assist the Event & Fundraiser Chairpersons in coordinating volunteers.
E.Room Parents
1.One (1) Room Parent shall be designated for each classroom.
2.One (1) Room Parent, selected by the Room Parents, shall be a member of the Parent Club Board.
3.Act as liaison between the Parent Club and the Teachers.
4.Act as liaison between the Parent Club and the Families.
5.Act as liaison between the Teachers and Families.
6.Assist teachers with classroom activities.
1.The election of officers shall take place during the last General Membership Meeting each year.
2.All Members of the organization may participate in the election.
3.The Parent Club Board shall present a slate of officers for election. The Parent Club Board shall contact all persons slated for nomination to confirm their willingness to serve.
4.Further nominations may be received from the floor.
5.The election, if non-contested, may be by voice vote. Any contested election shall be by written ballot. The ballots will be counted by two, non-running, Parent Club Board Members selected by the President.
6.A two-thirds vote of the members present is required.
7.A person approved by the Parent Blub Board may fill vacancies on the Parent Club Board during the school year.
B.Term of Office
An officer’s term is one school year without a restriction on the number of terms.
A majority of Parent Blub Board Members must be present at a meeting to transact business.
A.Other Standing Committees
The Parent Club Board may establish other Standing Committees, as it deems necessary and advisable. The chairperson of each committee shall recruit the members for his or her committee. The chairperson shall report the plans and activities of the committee to the Parent Club Board, which must approve all such reports.
B.Special Committees
The President and/or the Parent Club Board may create Special Committees. Special Committees shall be created for a specific time and/or task and shall cease to exist when that time or task has been completed, or on June 14 of each year, whichever occurs first. The Chairperson shall report the plans and activities of the committee to the Parent Club Board, which must approve all such reports.
The Parent Club Board may authorize any officer or officers to enter into contracts or agreements for the purchase of materials or services on behalf of the organization. The officers shall not have the authority to enter into such agreements on behalf of Happy Valley Elementary School, nor should they hold themselves out as having such authority.
No loans shall be made by the organization to its officers or members.
C.Monetary Policy
1.All financial transactions must be pre-approved by the Parent Club Board. Financial obligations shall not be made without sufficient funds to cover commitments.
2.Dual unrelated signatures required on all outgoing checks. No pre-signing of blank checks.
3.Monthly bank reconciliation will be performed by a volunteer, other than the treasurer, who is not a signer on any of the bank accounts. Reconciliation discrepancies will be reported to the board in a timely fashion.
4.All cash generated by the Parent Club will be first counted by a willing volunteer, who will sign a receipt of the amount collected, then forward to the treasurer to re-count and deposit.
5.ATM, Visa and Billpay are not authorized on Parent Club accounts.
Changes to the By-Laws shall be proposed and discussed at any Regular or Special Meeting. Action may be taken on proposed changes to the By-Laws at a following Regular or Special Meeting.
If any part of these By-Laws shall conflict with the decisions, policies or procedures adopted by the Happy Valley Elementary School Board, they shall be deemed null and void and the decision of the Happy Valley School Board shall, in all cases, control.
These By-Laws were adopted by the HVS PC General Membership by a two-thirds vote during a meeting, properly called, on May 18, 2001 and shall take effect immediately. Revisions were accepted by a two-thirds vote during a general membership meeting called on March 11, 2010.
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Adopted May 18, 2001, revised on March 11, 2010
by the Happy Valley Elementary School Parent Club
Happy Valley Elementary School District – California
Copyright 2010 - Happy Valley School Parent Club
Adopted May 18, 2001, revised on March 11, 2010
by the Happy Valley Elementary School Parent Club
Happy Valley Elementary School District – California
Copyright 2010 - Happy Valley School Parent Club